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Read the sustainability report

A clear ESG strategy

By working strategically with sustainability, DSV aims to achieve an overall positive impact on global economic, environmental and social development. 

Sustainability in DSV refers to our commitment to meet the needs of today’s global supply chains without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Our strategy is centred around our sustainability priorities and associated material topics within environment, social and governance as reflected below.
Governance and strategy

Every year, we evaluate and set targets within these three areas. The targets are monitored through continual progress tracking, ensuring that our organisation works towards common goals and that efforts and resources are properly prioritised and coordinated. 

Our sustainability ambitions, targets and actions are aligned with our commitment to the UN Global Compact and the Science Based Targets initiative and are our contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

As part of our ongoing strategy development, we also engage in close dialogue with our customers, investors, employees, suppliers and the authorities in general. These dialogues form the basis for our underlying materiality assessments. They also enable us to manage stakeholder expectations and gain valuable input on how we impact our surroundings and vice versa.

Sustainability governance

Governance regarding sustainability in DSV is anchored at our highest management levels with the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. 

The Board of Directors outlines and supervises the overall vision, strategy and business objectives of our company, including sustainability areas. Supporting the Board of Directors, our Audit Committee supervises the regulatory requirements, corporate reporting, and risk- and control frameworks, ensuring proper compliance within the various areas of our business operations. The Executive Board executes the strategy and objectives.

Any questions?

Contact Martin Andreasen, Executive Vice President, Group Compliance

Martin Andreasen, Executive Vice President, Group Compliance